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Long Xuyen Floating Market

Explore the vibrant Long Xuyen floating market in An Giang, Vietnam. Discover the unique river culture, shop for fresh Mekong Delta fruits, enjoy rustic cuisine, and immerse yourself in the warm hospitality of the local people. Get tips on the best time to visit, how to get there, and exciting experiences at this renowned tourist attraction.




Introduction to the Long Xuyen Floating Market


Situated on the tranquil Hau River, the Long Xuyen floating market is one of the most renowned tourist attractions in An Giang province. This is where visitors can vividly explore the daily life of the river people and admire the unique cultural features exclusive to the Mekong Delta region.


The Long Xuyen floating market starts operating from 5-6 am and gradually winds down around 8 am. Similar to other floating market models in the Southwest region, the Long Xuyen floating market primarily trades agricultural products, fruits, essential goods, and food.


The starting point of the floating market begins at the O Moi ferry, stretching along the Hau River for about 2 km within the territory of My Phuoc ward. Motor boats promise to take tourists to explore every nook and cranny of the floating market area.



Experiences at the Long Xuyen Floating Market


Floating and shopping on the river


Many tourists enjoy shopping at the Long Xuyen floating market because the items sold here are quite inexpensive, especially the fruits of the Mekong Delta. The pomelos, mangoes, plums, and pineapples are fresh, ripe, and newly harvested, making tourists exclaim in admiration.


Goods here are mainly agricultural products and fruits sold at very low prices because the Long Xuyen floating market is primarily a wholesale market. Traders often buy goods at the Long Xuyen floating market to bring to markets inside and outside An Giang province for consumption.


Taking a tour around the Long Xuyen floating market, you can buy many types of specialties to bring back as gifts for relatives and family. Notably, each boat here will hang a beo tree. People jokingly say that this beo tree is the first form of marketing in the Mekong Delta.




Enjoying rustic cuisine


Floating and drifting on the river to explore and experience the distinctive cultural features of the Long Xuyen floating market, tourists can also enjoy irresistible rustic dishes.


During the journey of exploring the Long Xuyen floating market, you will encounter some small boats selling food and drinks. On the boat, there are women sitting next to a pot of fragrant broth with attractive toppings. You can choose to enjoy bun rieu, stir-fried noodles, hu tieu, banh canh, nui, Chau Doc fish noodle soup, etc.


The rich flavors of hu tieu, bun rieu, porridge, banh tam, sipping coffee while enjoying the feeling of swaying on the river, leave a deep impression on tourists.


Don't forget to enjoy a "floating" style breakfast of the Mekong Delta people, with delicious rustic dishes to experience the feeling of eating while swaying with the waves, which will surely make tourists remember forever.




Discovering the river culture


Although the Long Xuyen floating market does not attract as much attention as other famous places in the Mekong Delta, it brings the simple and familiar breath of the people of An Giang. Visitors coming here will never forget the warmth and authenticity of the people on the Mekong River.


The Long Xuyen floating market starts a new day with a different bustle. The boats and canoes are anchored close to each other in clusters to buy, sell, and exchange goods. The crisp laughter and chatter resound across the river, creating a unique feature of the floating market in the Southwest region.


Buyers are leisurely, but sellers are no less polite. Trading at the floating market takes place very quickly, in a straightforward manner with little bargaining, which is the river culture and character of the people of An Giang.


Visiting the Long Xuyen floating market, many tourists are also very impressed by the friendliness and amiability of the local people. From strangers, just through greetings and transactions, they become dear to each other. Tourists can immerse themselves in the simple smiles of the traders, listen to the livelihood stories of the noodle seller, or the humorous and witty way of bargaining, enjoy the sweet and affectionate singing of the ladies and gentlemen on the boat...


The attraction of the market culture here is a unique experience, unlike other places. This uniqueness is expressed through the presence of many consecutive boats, creating favorable conditions for friends to take lively photos together and explore the lives of the vendors here.




Tips for Visiting the Long Xuyen Floating Market


Ideal time to visit


The Long Xuyen floating market operates from 5 am to 10:30 am daily, but the best time to enjoy and explore is from 5 am to 7 am. In addition, if you want to take beautiful photos, you should come around 6 am for the best light.


How to get to the floating market


The Long Xuyen floating market is located only about 2 km from the center of Long Xuyen city. You can easily take a boat from the wharf right in the city center, and it takes 5 minutes to get there.


If traveling with a tour group, the price to rent a boat to the Long Xuyen floating market ranges from 450,000 - 800,000 VND/boat depending on the number of guests in the group.



Exciting experiences at the floating market


When you visit the Long Xuyen floating market, just by looking at the beo tree on the boat, you will immediately know where to find the products you are looking for.


You can take a boat ride and admire the beo trees on the Hau Giang River, shop for specialties at the floating market at quite reasonable prices, mainly Mekong Delta fruits such as jackfruit, plums, mangoes... Everything is fresh, full of juice, making anyone want to enjoy it immediately.


Experiencing the floating market cuisine is also a must. At the floating market, there are many boats serving food and drinks, with simple designs but the food quality is guaranteed beyond complaint.


Finally, don't miss the opportunity to discover the unique beauty of this market culture. The uniqueness is expressed through the presence of many consecutive boats, creating favorable conditions for friends to take lively photos together and explore the lives of the vendors here.


With the exciting experiences above, the Long Xuyen floating market will surely leave unforgettable impressions on tourists about An Giang in particular and the Mekong Delta in general. Take a trip to experience the Long Xuyen floating market to fully feel the distinctive cultural features of the river region in the Mekong Delta!


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Admin May 20, 2024

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